Martes, Enero 3, 2012

The First Time I Saw A Ghost

I was in 3rd grade at that time. We transferred to a new house. The house was renovated. It was an old house but was repainted and they made extra rooms. We are many in the family, and I'm the eldest. At that time, we were 5 (now we are 7).

I recall it was October or November that this incident happened. I lost a dog at that time and I was really depressed. He went out of the gate unnoticed and no one opened the gate for him. That made me remember the month because it was only a few days later when I saw the ghost.

I bought a red dress with floral designs. The cloth was made of cotton and it was my favorite dress. I placed it on the chair in front of the window, the window was facing the door. Since the house was not yet finished with construction, all of us, including my parents and siblings slept in the same room with two beds beside each other. We had no air cons yet so we had to open all the windows. That night, there was a brown out/block out. I slept beside my dad, like I always do, and he would hug me. That same night, I can't sleep. I was not sleepy but rather conscious of things going on around me. I can hear the wind, the sound of trees, the sound of my family sleeping. FYI, my dad and I was sleeping on the right edge side of the 2nd bed close to the door. My Mom was on the left side edge of the 1st bed, and my siblings in between us. I was looking at my siblings, and decided to face the other direction facing my dad. But when I did, I saw a girl standing on our window, wearing my dress. She had long hair, waist level. She was about my age. She was facing the door and looking at the MAMA MARY poster (a small poster of mama mary with child jesus is thumb-tacked on the door)and her hands in praying position only that it is placed beside her face. I stared at her because I can't believe my eyes. I began to pinch myself, slap my own face as hard as I could, pinched my dad and slap my dad which is a light sleeper, but my dad never woke up. Called and shouted for my mom, but she never heard me. So I looked at her again, and she was still there. I was really afraid. I prayed a lot of hail mary's but she's still there. So I talked to her in my mind, "whoever you are, I can't help you. I'm so afraid. Please don't show yourself again." and when I looked at the window again, she disappeared.

That morning, I saw my dress at the chair. Never wore it again. The girl was the last one who wore it.

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